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Pet Insurance 101
This week we are excited to have a guest blog written by Sara Radak, Community Engagement Coordinator with Embrace Pet Insurance. She’s going to help us navigate the seemingly confusing world of pet insurance. “Pet insurance?! What’s that?” If that is your response to...

Why Your Cat Needs to See the Vet
January is Feline Health Awareness Month at CFVC. Dr. Robin Westwood, Associate Veterinarian, describes the importance of an annual exam for your cat, whether he/she spends his time indoors or outdoors. As much as we love our cats, it’s sad to realize that they often...

Getting Your Cat to the Vet
In our last blog entry, Dr. Robin Westwood, associate veterinarian at CFVC, discussed the importance of regular check-ups for your kitty. Today, she offers helpful hints for getting your cat to the vet’s office. A common reason that deters many owners from bringing...

Overweight Cats…a Growing Problem
The holidays have passed for another year and winter is in full swing. Even our pets tend to gain weight during the wintery holiday bliss. If you have noticed your cat has gained a few pounds or just feels “fluffier” than usual, then read on, Dr. Kerri Mcmahon,...

Does your pet have bad breath?
Dental diseases can come in many forms and affects pets of all breeds and ages. What may seem like just “dog breath” may be an indication of more serious troubles within the mouth, although oral disease can exist without halitosis (bad breath). Tartar is the most...

Choosing the Right Pet for You
Having a pet that is well behaved and fits well with you and/or your family can be one of life’s greatest joys. Mounds of research and centuries of experience have shown us that pets teach us about unconditional love, improve our health and well-being, provide a...

Preparing Your Home for Your New Pet
Last week, Dr. McMahon addressed 4 issues to consider BEFORE bringing a new pet into your home. Now that you have decided that the time is right for a new pet, and you have selected the right type of pet for your family, Dr. Robin Westwood, associate veterinarian at...

The First Vet Visit with Your New Puppy/Kitten
Dr. Rhonda Phillips, the owner of Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 20 years. She has encountered many owners with questions about which vaccines to give their pets and how often. In the post, she gives a general...

The Scoop On Poop
Why are veterinarians so interested in poop? Have you ever wondered that? As it turns out, there are some very good reasons! Dr. Kerri McMahon, associate veterinarian at CFVC, shares some insight on why poop is an important part of your pet’s check up. Fecal testing...

The Heart of Veterinary Medicine
Have you ever thought of what goes on when a veterinarian volunteers for local shelter facilities? Dr. Rhonda Phillips would like to take you through a little of the work and time that we contribute to the Royse City Animal Shelter. Over years of practice, I have...