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Can Dogs Get The Flu Too?
Dr. Robin Westwood, owner at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, shares her insight on the flu season and how it might affect your dog. We have been made aware of an outbreak of a new strain of Dog Flu (H3N2) in Austin Texas. As of this time the outbreak is contained....

Grieving After the Loss of a Pet
As we continue with the topic on “end of life events” with our pets, Dr. Rhonda Phillips, licensed veterinarian and owner of Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, will address the emotional aspect of realizing how to grieve our loss as humans, both adults and children,...

Firework and Thunderstorm Anxiety in Pets
Dr. Robin Westwood has encountered many clients with questions about their pets’ anxious behavior since she came to Country Friends Veterinary Clinic in 2007. In this 2 part series, she will cover common anxiety issues that pet owners face and provide some options...

Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Last week Dr Robin Westwood, Texas A&M University Class of ’98 and associate veterinarian at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, touched on anxiety and noise phobias in dogs. She purposely held off on going into much detail with Separation Anxiety as this is a...

Why is Blood Work Important for an Aging Pet?
September is Senior Pet Month at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic. We celebrate senior & geriatric pets all month long with discounts on wellness checkups & bloodwork. Dr. Robin Westwood, an associate veterinarian at CFVC, shares why bloodwork is so important...

Arthritis in Senior Pets
As senior pet month draws to a close, Dr. Kerri McMahon, an associate veterinarian at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, has shed some light on arthritis in pets. Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary defines arthritis as inflammation of a joint. It is also...

Could My Pet Have Thyroid Disease?
Have you ever considered thyroid disease in your pet? Would you know when to seuspect there might be a problem? Dr Maria Wilson, associate veterinarian at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, provides a brief summary of signs, symptoms, and management of common thyroid...

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats
Diabetes can be a scary word for many pet owners, but it doesn’t have to be. Dr. Rhonda Phillips, licensed veterinarian with over 20 years of experience, has helped many pet owners overcome their fear of this diagnosis, and enjoy many happy years with their pets....

It’s National Veterinary Technician Week!
October 15-19 is recognized as National Veterinary Technician Week. In honor of our hardworking technicians, Dr. Robin Westwood, licensed veterinarian at CFVC, would like to highlight the important role our technicians play in the daily function of our veterinary...

How to Choose A Great Dog and Cat Food
Dr. Kerri McMahon, veterinarian at Country Friends Vet Clinic, is passionate about pet nutrition and offers advice on choosing a quality food for your dog and/or cat. With so many options for dog and cat food, how is a person to choose the right one? There are aisles...