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Laser Therapy for Your Pets
You are probably familiar with laser therapy in human medicine, but did you know that your pets can benefit from it too? Barbara Braziel, a veterinarian at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, shares about the benefits of laser therapy for your pets. Whether pain is...

Pets Need Dental Care Too
Dental Month is coming in February! Barbara Braziel, DVM at Country Friends Veterinary Clinic, shares why dental care is important for our pets too. Imagine your teeth if you never brushed them! That’s what your dog and cat’s mouth are like. Their mouths work the same...

April is Heartworm Disease Awareness Month
April is Heartworm Disease Awareness Month. Dr. Barbara Braziel, associate veterinarian at CFVC, is very passionate about preventing heartworm disease. She shares her knowledge on the disease, its prevention, and its treatment. A mosquito bite can be deadly!! We all...

CFVC Can Help in a Natural Disaster
Disasters, natural or otherwise, are frightening, costly, and can leave behind injuries and loss. Most emergencies or disaster situations are upon us before we have time to think or prepare. Country Friends Veterinary Clinic recommends assembling a...

Microchipping Your Pet!
Our clinic recommends Microchipping to protect your pet if it is ever lost or separated from you. If you are like millions of animal owners, your pet is an important member of your household. On average, one in three pets will go missing in their lifetime. These...

Public Health and Our Pets
Hey there, Dr. Westwood here! With the Ebola scare out there I wanted to take some time to talk about the benefits and potential risks our furry family members can give us. Ebola is currently NOT one of the risks. At the end is of this blog is a link to the CDC that...

Fleas Season Is Here!
It’s flea season again! Although in Texas, sometimes its flea season all year long. Yuck! We wanted to make sure everyone understands fleas, their life cycle, and what we can do to prevent/ control them. First off, fleas can be deadly, especially in smaller, younger,...

Fun Facts About Ticks!
*Ticks are more similar to spiders and scorpions than they are to insects. *There are about 850 species of ticks. *Ticks feed on blood and transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichia and Anaplasma to a variety of hosts such as...

Palliative and Hospice Care for End of Life
Dr. Robin Westwood has practiced veterinary medicine for over 14 years. She shares her insight on an important but often avoided subject. As animals age, just like we humans, they may start experiencing physical problems that cause discomfort and/or pain. In other...

Palliative and Hospice Care for End of Life Cont’d
Last week, Dr. Robin Westwood provided insight on making your beloved pet as comfortable as possible through palliative and hospice care, knowledge she has gained from practicing veterinary medicine for 14 years. She continues discussing important decisions regarding...